Zephrofel herbs is called Flo some male enhancement product which has an extract of horny goat weed in there which is a very good thing you probably take that daily with the negative side effects it's a very well formulated product and then it has some other things in there that it's meant for male enhancement for harder erections overall but also athletic endurance and things like that but it's going to have the effect of increasing size when combined with a good exercise regimen as well so check out the links below for all those like I said I've got the straight herbs if you want to make a tea or if you want to go the Zephrofel capsulated route just for ease and convenience definitely check the as well so there are two different sections below this video so that summarizes all my points that I have to share on this topic I hope you found it helpful as you can tell from the doing the video there's a large portion I wanted to talk about in terms of the mental state that you're in and overcoming a lot of these problems which can just be emotional issues not so much of problems actual physical organs but then there's also the factor of you