What is Parasitic Pathogens?

Parasitic Pathogens several patients of this infection with residual brain damage I might add prevention is almost impossible because how do you tell a little kid not to go swimming in the summertime you don't and nerve and enter the brain tissue in that way it's found in the environment it is not a normal inhabitant of human tissue it lives off of bacteria that it feeds off of in the environment so acquiring this organism presents the body with some unusual problems that it is never encountered before because exposure to this is rare it's primarily a disease of people who forget to wash their contact lenses in the solution provided for them and instead use tap water tap water might contain the cysts stage of this organism and in fact in many cases it does the sisters that included underneath the contact lens the warmth of the host stimulates the cyst to excess into the trophy's height stage shown here the trophy Zoid then starts to erode away
