US professor removed after she urges students not to speak in Chinese


Staff member
'Being so impolite as to have a.conversation not everyone can understand...' what? I'm sorry, but unless they are addressing you, their conversation is none of your business.

I was taught that it is rude to whisper in front of others. How is speaking another language in front of others any different?

Why is it that the only people always complaining about others speaking a different language in public is English speakers? i work in a multicultural environment with more than 15 nationalities/ languages and we all speak our language to each other and is beautiful and yes the only ones who care are English speakers, guess what they only can speak English.

Saul Nathaniel if Spanish has hardly any used to you being spoken as the native official language in 21 countries your world must be very small.

Americans do not speak "100% English." We're lucky if we can get to 60 or 70% English.

The professor told students to speak 100% English and she spelled a word wrong in the email to students... guess she’s not perfect in English.

Jacques Woo yeah of course I admit that my English is not as perfect as native speakers but I don’t see the point of being ashamed of it. Thanks for pointing out although I don’t quite get the meaning of your comment.

Good. She was out of her mind. Don’t tell students they can’t speak another language in their free time.

So, having read the article, they shot the messenger rather than tackle the actual problem with the faculty. Great...

To be frank, it sounds to me like she's warning students about what other faculty and dept heads think, not her personal opinions. Unfortunately, she gets the publicity and the negative reactions because she's the messenger. It doesn't sound like she's the one suggesting that students are being rude for speaking in Chinese (or any other language) but that she is conveying that other faculty think so, and that those faculty members want to prevent the students from opportunities, not her personally. So, I hope those particular faculty members face consequences as well.

I understand speaking English on campus to improve your capabilities but not all the time. Sometimes we just yearn to speak our local languages especially when homesickness kicks in.

I just chaperoned US students to Spain where they will stay with Spanish families for a few weeks. We couldn’t speak Spanish continuously for more than a few minutes at a time! Outrageous to suggest the students speak English all the time on campus.

I can imagine she was trying to help, but language isn't just a tool we use to communicate our ideas to others, it's also part of who we are because it is part of how we understand our own ideas. Telling these students that they couldn't use their own language while on campus seems to put an extra onus on them. Be different than you really are in order to succeed. That isn't such a great message.

Yeah, that's BS. Anyone should be able to converse in their native language.

It’s the two faculty members, who said they wouldn’t consider those students for internships. She was trying to warn them. Instead, those faculty members should have been warned.

US professor removed after she urges students not to speak in Chinese.jpg

The professor was trying to save the students from being discriminated against. Her heart was in the right place, but she placed the responsibility on the potential victims of discrimination instead of on the teachers who might perpetrate it.

I feel for her - she was silly to send this when what she meant to say “some of my colleagues are bigoted and paranoid - acting foreign around them may hurt you chances of getting the best out of your expensive education”.

guess she won't be visiting China unless she can speak Mandarin.

The problem of these 'single mind' people is not foreign languages the fact that they fear to see how the rest of the world is becoming increasingly bilingual, above all kids...and they are not. They know that being bilingual is an indisputable advantage for the near future. That's what they are scared about. US professor removed after she urges students not to speak in Chinese.jpg US professor removed after she urges students not to speak in Chinese.jpg US professor removed after she urges students not to speak in Chinese.jpg US professor removed after she urges students not to speak in Chinese.jpg