Total Keto X here's a good example like yesterday

Total Keto X I think I didn't have my first meal till like noon and I had a turkey six or seven bread and only 15 of the chips so I cut the serving size in half so I'm just I'm just always trying to be conscious of how I feel you know when I'm eating and I'm sad I was satisfied with that so now I don't know how long that's going to hold me figure a couple of hours but yeah obviously I think most people excuse me most people eat more than they think they do that's why I really track everything yeah okay so it says it's a more closely track your diet determine what your body needs you know to calculate how many calories keep a food diary and analyze your diet okay how many calories do I need I clicked on that article let's say I'm curious to know how like different calculators I still really like that tdee calculator that I use that one seems to