The Most Common Sports Injuries

The most commonly used treatment for muscle strains is RICE, which Joint Pain Hack Review means Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. When you apply this method you will reduce the risk of swelling and bruising, which will help to stop the bleeding of the damaged area and decrease the pain. Rest: Rest your muscle to allow your injury to heal. I would rest for at least 3 to 7 days immediately after the injury occurs. For a severe muscle strain, rest should be for 10 to 14 days. When the pain decreases, begin normal, slow movements. If your muscle strain is in your legs or lower body, you may need to use crutches to walk.

Ice: Put a towel around an ice pack (or bag of frozen vegetables) and hold on the injured area. Do not put the ice pack directly on your skin. Compression: Wrap an elastic bandage around the area to decrease swelling. It should be tight enough for you to feel support, but not so tight as to affect circulation. Elevation: Keep the injured muscle raised above your heart if possible. For example if you have a strain of your lower leg muscle, lie down and prop your leg up on pillows. This helps decrease pain and swelling.

As you age, chronic pain can occur seemingly overnight. People seek ways to combat the pain through various remedies that assist in natural joint pain relief solutions like acupuncture or magnetic relief therapy to help them continue an active lifestyle. If you are among the millions of aging women across the country, you are dealing with daily health issues with chronic joint pain being at the top of the list. Physical activity or sports related injuries can cause stiffness and lack of mobility in knees, wrists and ankles. Arthritis based diseases target the tissue and cartilage that cushions your knee, wrist and other joints causing inflammation and ongoing soreness.