The million of 'missing' babies after 2008 crash


Staff member
What about the impact of movements like #metoo and #timesup? An ever increasing number of men are not getting into relationships because of these movements. These movements have created the general impression that any woman can simply make the accusation without the burden of proof and that's all it takes to ruin a man's life and/or career. I'm not necessarily convinced that impression is wholly without merit, either. There are many factors that can potentially effect the decline in birth rates. The economic collapse in 2008 is but one of them. In order for such a study to be objective, it would need to address this matter from both the male and female perspective and include all possible factors, including those that are not aligned with political correctness, before it can be considered objective and informative.

What about the impact of movements like #metoo and #timesup? An ever increasing number of men are not getting into relationships because of these movements. These movements have created the general impression that any woman can simply make the accusation without the burden of proof and that's all it takes to ruin a man's life and/or career. I'm not necessarily convinced that impression is wholly without merit, either. There are many factors that can potentially effect the decline in birth rates. The economic collapse in 2008 is but one of them. In order for such a study to be objective, it would need to address this matter from both the male and female perspective and include all possible factors, including those that are not aligned with political correctness, before it can be considered objective and informative.

Temporarily decreasing the birthrate when times are tough isn't a bad thing that's sensible.

Maybe the birth rate would increase if parents had inexpensive health care, day care, and education for their children instead of huge Military and Homeland Security budgets. No wonder young adults don't want children or if they do, it is one or two children. Who can afford them?

Never went to uni until I was 36, left high school in 1997, and despite having “a good job in finance”. I struggled to survive and worked two jobs for a lot of years. as a single person in my own 1 bedroom flat, it was necessary to afford to live on my own, even before the 2008 crash. There were points I considered moving back with the parents because working 7 days a week for 8-12 hours was awful!

For people in my situation, the main point is not lack of education or lack of jobs or housing, it’s that the whole government support a system geared towards families or unemployed.

people like me, who make the effort get no additional financial support.

We may not have children or partner (by chance or by choice) but while we make more than the minimum wage, by pennies or pounds, we’re exempt from the financial help other demographics obtain.

The million of 'missing' babies after 2008 crash.JPG

I'm confused here. When I graduated in 1983 it was nigh impossible to get a job, mortgage rates were 17.5% and my first salary was about £4500 per annum. I bought a 2 room flat and tightened my belt a lot. I loved it because it was mine. It was furnished with ancient (not antique) furniture from my parents' house. 10 years ago, after 2 moves, we finally moved into a 3 bed detached. My parents' house is now on the market for nearly twice the value of ours. Am I bothered? No. Do I have children? No, but not through choice. Life is what you make it!

Lewis Backon how is “only 2 out of 5 millennials invest in the stock market” put in between not being able to afford children or a home.

It also take on average 10 years for 2008 college

People can't afford to have families.

My daughter was born in 2008. My adult life has been a living hell.
She's a wonderful kid, but life has been exponentially more difficult due to when she was born.

Most millennials can't afford kids, houses etc because they got to have the latest gadgets, iPhones, clothes, on trend items.

Mal Smith. Oh yes! Rent! Food ! Such trendy things we're wasting our minimum wage on!

We are too many people in this planet.