As you grow older your skin becomes blighted by free radicals. Organixx Collagen Review Breathing in the atmosphere that surrounds you, unhealthy eating habits, smoking and even the sunshine help the progress of free radicals in your body. Free radicals are the enemy your skin can do without and they are responsible for forming age spots, lines and wrinkles as well as being capable of causing skin cancer. In other words they oxidize your skin. They are the oxidants.
What can you do about free radicals? You cannot free yourself from the environment. Sunshine need not be a great problem because you can protect yourself against its damaging rays or avoid it entirely. There are several aids to assist you. Your greatest defence against free radicals is to include antioxidants not only in what you eat but in what you apply to your skin externally. Antioxidants are your best friends. Include them in your daily diet.
Antioxidants protect your skin from the ravages of free radicals, the oxidants. They control the effects of free radicals and minimizes any damage caused by them. It is now time to find out about those friendly antioxidants skin care products. AntioxidantsThere are many antioxidants you can find and the more you get to know about them the better. For the best results always combine a supplement with a topical application. So to help you begin your battle against the enemies that age your skin, here are some friendly options for you to consider.
What can you do about free radicals? You cannot free yourself from the environment. Sunshine need not be a great problem because you can protect yourself against its damaging rays or avoid it entirely. There are several aids to assist you. Your greatest defence against free radicals is to include antioxidants not only in what you eat but in what you apply to your skin externally. Antioxidants are your best friends. Include them in your daily diet.
Antioxidants protect your skin from the ravages of free radicals, the oxidants. They control the effects of free radicals and minimizes any damage caused by them. It is now time to find out about those friendly antioxidants skin care products. AntioxidantsThere are many antioxidants you can find and the more you get to know about them the better. For the best results always combine a supplement with a topical application. So to help you begin your battle against the enemies that age your skin, here are some friendly options for you to consider.