Testoryl en be circumscribed and be a cancer. Yeah, sometimes we're going to see like hypervascularity. any abnormal lymph nodes on imaging then we have to move to a sentinel lymph node biopsy or an axillary lymph node dissection, just kind of depends what those lymph nodes looked like on ultrasound. Um, they often have radiation. Ah, when there's lymph node metastases, they have chemotherapy. Um, the good news for men is most male breast cancers, are estrogen receptor positive. So most of the time, that's a way that we can treat male breast cancers. Um no, the same likelihood in a female. So staging, very similar to females. It just depends on where the cancer has gone. If it's confined within a duct in the male, um, I haven't ever seen this, but, you know, a male, just like a female could get a DCIS where the you know, they get the suspicious microcalcifications within a duct. Um, and then it would be a stage zero. Um, usually in men though, by the time we see it, it's, you know, grown a mass, and it's expanded outside of the duct. Um, I guess if we did screening, you know, mammogram screenings in men, we probably would catch things in the DCIS stage. But because men, you know, most of their treatment is symptom related, we often catch these when they're a little bit more advanced. So it's going to depend on if it's spr