Sonus Complete, True Friend of Your Ear

By giving lots of stress Tinnitus can take you to the stage of depression as by completely destroying your sleep in does not allow your brain and nerves to take a rest. Rest is very important for both your brain and nerves to function properly and if they will not get rest they will not function properly and will give you lots of stress and after that it will take you to the stage of depression.

Ignoring hearing disorder like Tinnitus can make you suffer from Brain Tumor. Yes you have read it right that Tinnitus can promote brain tumor in you as by stopping your peaceful sleep it will give you lots of stress because of which your brain and nerves will stop working and blood cells in your brain and nerve will also not works properly that time and all these things together can make you suffer from Brain Tumor.

Data which I had given above is a very small data of few disadvantages that you can get from Tinnitus. I said that this is a very small data of the diseases which you have to suffer because of tinnitus otherwise it has lots of other disadvantages also which I have not mentioned here.