'Sexist, unsafe' world experienced by young girls


Staff member
Everyone should be a feminist. Not a feminazi. A feminist, because the core concept is to be equal. To be treated as a human just like a man. I know feminists name was tarnished by these men hating feminazis, but we should be better than that.

Why thank you, random man, for instructing us on how to be feminists correctly!
What a valuable contribution to the experiences of women and girls.

Nice fake news, actually more girls/women are not calling themselves a feminist, because its lost all its meaning.

Factual statistics? This article had factual statistics and he claimed it was "fake news". I'm sorry, but we can be angry that a man is claiming this isn't true, because at the end of the day, he DOES NOT understand our experiences and how the majority of women feel about things.

I hope my daughter (now 3yo) can experience the gender equality to which we aspire. I’m not so optimistic though and feel powerless to make a difference.

I came here expecting a comment section full of butthurt virgin men and am still disappointed.

I am a proud feminist!!! I am awake and aware of all the atrocities going on with female human beings all over the world, one way or another. And stand against patriarchy!! One day we will win.

Feminists have never done anything for women, only sent us backwards.

Feminists - formally the suffragists - the suffragists who refused to work during the war, hassled everyone during the war, trashed landmarks during the war, broke onto places and acted like babies.
Suffragettes won us rights and was real women. These are nothing but babies set on destroying the hard work true women did for us today.

Modern feminism is an escape from identity leading to more trauma (at least subconsiously).

Just a shame modern feminism has made a mockery of women’s rights.

The world is less sexist and more safe than at any time in history. WTF is wrong with you BBC? Must you lie incessantly?

Why does something that should just be called something like "decency" or "fairness" have to be tagged with a word that has a negative connotation due to its controversial history? Who ISN'T for a fair treatment of everybody?

The fact that young girls understand and recognise this, even as youngsters, is progress because until you consciously recognise it, you can't act against it. I was first catcalled at 9 and first groped at 11 - by the time I was coerced into sex against my will at 19, I was just starting to get it.

So a pro feminist research group ask a very specific and targeted demographic and claim that the statistics are indicative of the general population.

I tell my daughter that she’s prey. I stand behind her with my years of experience to guide her through her journey. She stands on a solid survivor’s back. Instead of silence and shame, I hope for clarity and confidence.

Let me guess -- men aren't allowed to have an opinion on this?

Well, considering the survey has been done every year the past ten years and it's aimed towards the experiences of 11-16 year old women I don't understand what a full grown man would know or understand of a young teen woman to have an opinion on their experiences?

Men coach female national teams and club level football, but you'll never see a female coaching staff in the Barclays Premier League, Serie A, Bundesliga, La Liga etc.

It's been that way for a long time now, and it's changing way too slowly.

Feminism used to be about equality, now its about more. Many want equal treatment when it suits them and to be treated differently when it doesnt. It certainly seems to be more about having more power (over men) than having equal power/say.

I still don't understand feminism myself after lots of years. I would say most people whatever their gender or race have felt hard done by at some point in their life. Life isn't fair but nobody has to like it.

A woman’s worst enemy are other women from what I’ve seen and heard. Why are they so jealous and bitchy of each other?

Great! We should all be feminists. Gender equality should be the norm not the exception.

Nothing more entertaining than to wake up to yet another topic that is dividing this world. I need more coffee!

God, I hope so. After the time I've spent in various comment sections tonight....these girls need to be aware.

Bore off BBC.

'Sexist, unsafe' world experienced by young girls.JPG

Just like you don’t get a say on race issues if you’re not a person of color, you don’t get a say on the legitimacy of feminism if you’re not a woman.
You can’t truly understand the problems if you’re not directly affected by them. You can support and empower. You definitely shouldn’t criticize or devalue. If you do, you’re part of the problem. Not the women you hate for not conforming to your expectations of them. I’m proud to see young girls in their formative years correctly identifying as feminists even though that term has been muddied by its opponents. That means we have some good parents out there, teaching their daughters how to be good people.

And thus, another comments section on an article about feminism proves the need for feminism....

Brainwash is easier due to internet.

Trolls are stalking this feed, hoping to elicit racist, sexist, or otherwise violent reactions to post on MRA or backward groups for a circle jerk on how they are being persecuted. I mean, civilization progresses and people are becoming more enlightened in general.

If you wear a pussy hat & support Metoo, & use terms like, "toxic masculinity." You're not a feminist. Ijs.

Its one thing to have "ferminism" on paper and its totally another thing to implement that.

One young woman, from the 11 to 16-year-old age group, told researchers a feminist was "a person who strongly believes in gender equality and that everyone no matter their background should be treated equally."

Except that is not accurate, at all. Feminists don't believe in "gender equality", they believe in gender superiority of women. They do not care, in the least, about men and boys and anyone that says that they do, is just lying through their teeth.

before identifying as a feminist, we should first find a clear, common and agreed understanding of what feminism truly is and implies as the concept for the past few years has been streched, misinterpreted and abused by some to the extent many feel confused and even reluctant to approach this concept appropriately.

Get mandatory representation of women in govt.and corporates at 50 percent and then see the change for better. Unless women are represented equally in all walks of life men will always be cave men. AND please stop objectifying women and her parts.

I love all the mansplaining here...I so appreciate a man telling me how to be a feminist and to what degree.
Women had to fight to pass the 19th Amendment in 1920.. not THAT long ago...
Not to mention, when they start making laws dictating what men cando with THEIR bodies, let’s talk...
Or, take a pay cut so we then get equal pay for equal work...
In other words, sit down... I’ll fight for Women’s rights in my own way without your 10 cents worth of “help”.

The fact that the laughing emojis are all done by men, men who are choosing to invalidate the feelings of young women because they don't see it that way, even when these women are telling you they feel unsafe, completely sum up the attitudes we face.

I wonder if a lot of this is the same as how people are afraid of being mugged. Even though violent crime is at an all time low, people are more afraid of it than ever.