Rates of Diabetes Increasing In The UK

Those with diabetes mellitus must check their blood sugars Blood Balance Formula Review frequently with a glucometer or blood glucose meter. This may need to be done as often as six or more times per day for type I diabetes and the values reached determine the amount of insulin the person needs per dose. Insulin shots are given before each meal and sometimes at bedtime. Type II diabetics don't often need to check their blood sugars that often. Sometimes it is just checked in the morning and then after the evening meal.

Gestational diabetes is a common condition of pregnancy where a woman has high blood sugars during the pregnancy but didn't have high blood sugars before becoming pregnant. It can often mean, however, that a woman is prone to diabetes in her future but this is not universal.Most women find out they have gestational diabetes because they have a special test done in diabetes called a one hour glucose tolerance test or "1 hr GTT". This involves drinking around 50 grams of glucose in the doctor's office. The blood sugar is tested one hour after drinking the liquid. If this test is elevated further tests are performed to confirm the diagnosis of gestational diabetes.

Women with gestational diabetes normally just need to watch their weight gain and their sugar intake while the doctor does closer monitoring of the pregnancy. Very rarely, the woman will need to take insulin during the pregnancy to keep the blood sugar down.The biggest complication of gestational diabetes is that of having infants which are larger for their gestational age. Large babies have a higher incidence of having to be born by Cesarean section and there is a higher risk of birth trauma or complications. Just because the infant is big doesn't mean the infant is mature. The baby can weigh ten pounds but still be born with immature lungs.
