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One Shot Keto ncer, but because of his mother. And also this patient was positive for the BRCA 2 mutation. So he really had everything going against him. And he had been feeling a lump, um, in the subareolar region, but just slightly eccentric to the nipple for two to three weeks. This is what it looked like on the mammogram. And these were some of the pictures I just showed you. So irregular mass, kind of next to the nipple, eccentric to the nipple. It's got some vascularity. It's got a thick echogenic halo around it, yep, a little bit shadowing. And in this patient, invasive lobular carcinoma. So, coming back to that question, if men, when their hormones are affected, um, men get a proliferation of that ductal tissue, or the branches. But the leaves are still not growing. So how are men coming out with fibroadenomas and lobular carcinomas, which are products of the leaves, or the lobules? So the reason behind this is, what they're finding, now, um, there's all sorts of conditions that in men can rarely cause lobules to start forming. And where we're really seeing this is in the transgender population, they’re on massive doses of hormones. But we're also seeing this in the patients with BRCA 1 or 2 mutations. And I can't exactly remember, but I know it's something that affects those sex hormones, so, yeah. Yeah. So in these cases, we're startin