Massage - A Simple Way To Heal Foot Pain

Yes, that's right, the real sticky stuff. The first time Clear Nails Plus Review my mother suggested I do that, I was floored. "No way am I going to use that stuff" I thought. Let's face it, Vasoline PETROLEUM Jelly has a real identity crisis! I mean anything with a name like that just can't be good, right? Wrong. It's good, it's really good, because after nourishing my skin really well with my favorite cream, the Vasoline seals in the moisture and keeps my feet looking moist and healthy for a very long time.

Lot's of websites will sell you magical creams which they claim will make your heel cracks disappear but most of them are just petroleum, or another other oil based product with some kind of natural exfoliating agent. Bottom line, only the hard work of daily rasping, combined with a good moisturizer, and really greasy, petroleum based salve and a few other tricks will keep this issue from reoccurring.

I always keep a tube of greasy moisturizer in my purse to reapply during the day. Don't worry, it absorbs much better than you think and I've never had any problem with this. Something I've recently began using is a product called Vermont's Original Bag Balm. You can find it in any feed store and sometimes at your local CVS. This is a product made for cow's udders, and I began using it just as I would the Vasoline. Since beginning to use this product, I've noticed even more improvement in my feet, and I haven't suffered a heel crack since adding this product to my routine.