Just one in a rising number of South Korean women who are saying no to marriage, children or even relationships with men


Staff member
Its so inspiring to see childfree women proclaim their truth around the world. Makes me feel so optimistic for choosing not to have kids myself.

Maybe talk to a few who are 70 with another 20 years of life left and no one visiting or caring about them.

you are narrow minded. You need to travel more, read more and grow up.

there are plenty with kids who don’t visit or care about them. So having kids doesn’t guarantee that.

having children is about caring for them, not for them to care for you. That is a selfish reason to have children.

If giving birth is the only way you can get people to care about you, there is a problem, Robert. There are many things in life to fulfill a person and we should each find our bliss, not let society tell us what it is. Child-free people will be happy at the end of their life if they spent their life in the way that fulfilled them personally.

I'm pretty sure plenty of people reject their elders. And I am pretty sure I'll have plenty of money to have a caretaker when I'm 70 from all the money I've saved not having kids?

So, basically what you're saying, Robert, is that you have a child so that when you get old, you have a caretaker? Sounds pretty selfish to me.

Family is all about caring for each other - although I do hope you'll at least have siblings or close friends there to care for you when you're older if you choose to be childless.

I actually come from a very strong family. I just don't feel responsible enough to dedicate my soul to a child. That's all.

Optimistic about what?

You basically sound like you need the affirmation of others sharing you life choice to make you feel good about said choice.

Just like millions of mothers brag about their children for the world to see in various groups and other social media outlets?

I said that I personally don't want children. Never said anyone else has to abide by my personal desires for my life. I don't go around shouting "children are a waste of your life!" like parents do to me all the time.

And are you saying family is the only source of happiness? I want to travel the world, foster dogs and kitties, and donate as much money as I can to my favorite causes. I'm pretty sure that all will make me happy about contributing back to something bigger than me. Not to mention I will get the opportunity to find a way to thank my parents when they age.

Firstly, you dont need affirmation from others to make a life decision. What others do doesnt make your choices right or wrong.

Second, the older you may actually regret the decision made by the younger you. Its a common occurrence for many life decisions for everyone. Hopefully, in the case of having kids, it won't be too late by then.

Keep an open mind.

Totally on point dear!! The way men are ( and a look at the comments is enough for a demonstration) and how society is treating women , it is really not worth it!

You know, it is hilarious that the people who are telling me "no" are men who clearly are afraid of a strong, independent women.

I've had this thought for years. Almost a decade. I never gravitated towards children and have no desire to adopt. That lust for having a child is the same kind of passion I have towards dogs and rescuing.

I chose to have a child, and I agree with you. I'm glad to see women living true to themselves and enjoying their lives, however they choose.

Inspiring to see that someday the human race will disappear. Sarcasm.

The human race is way overpopulated anyway mate. We'll never dissappear from a handful of people not wanting to have kids.

Just one in a rising number of South Korean women who are saying no to marriage, children or e...JPG

Its not just in Korea. This trend is occurring everywhere.

But a word of caution from personal experience, what we think we wanted or didn't wanted changes as you age. We refused to have children when my wife and I were younger...we made good money, excelled in career, owned home, drove nice cars, vacationed all over the world. Not a care in the world. After 20 years, we realized it was a mistake. But the opportunity to have kids had passed...and the decision was made for us.

My 2 cents. Keep your options open.

Btw. We tried many different options including adoption. And for anyone who has never done any of these things, the processes put TREMENDOUS strains on the marriage.

Plenty of orphans out there that need loving parents and a warm home.

Adoption of the orphans is a human act but the decision not to have your own kids because of the mentioned reasons is a selfish act. All our decisions have some consenqueces, good or bad. In my opinion having your OWN children is a blessing. You have to give all yourself in it and it is not easy, but when they grow up, you are blessed with pride looking at your masterpiece!
That kind of joy you can't get from ANY other aspect of life.

I will admit. I never wanted kids and never had them. Very okay with my choice.

Hate to break it to you but having children in any way (your own, adopting, whatever) will put TREMENDOUS strain on your relationship...

I have no interest in marriage or kids. Weddings are a massive waste of money for attention seekers. Kids are expensive and annoying. I like being able to do what I want, when I want without being tied down. I live in the UK, not Korea.