Lush Lift Cream ure is right for you so we don't necessarily recommend all of our sexual wellness procedures to every client it's something of course that's tailored to your issues if there are any what your goals are what your symptoms are if you have dysfunction going on how severe is it how much does it impact your life and in the case of our testosterone pellets for example you know what your actual hormone level is so we're experts in helping you decide what procedures non-invasive or minimally invasive might actually impact your symptoms and your particular situation so if you have any questions after reviewing our website as well we're happy to answer those and if you have further questions beyond that I'm certainly more than happy to answer those here at Renu when it comes to platelet-rich plasma procedures it's very important to be sure that the place you're going to go to is highly skilled in delivering these regenerative procedures although they're not technically very difficult they do require a certain finesse and the placement of the platelet-rich plasma has to be very exact in order for the procedure to work well at renew medispa we are a training site for the American cosmetic cellular medicine Association so we actually train other physicians and nurses how to do these procedures and we certify them as accepted and certified providers of these vampire or PRP procedures it's also important to determine that the site that you're going to is using a high-quality PRP kit there are over 25 different PRP kits that are FDA approved in the market they do not all deliver the same concentration of platelet-rich plasma and when it comes to sexual wellness procedures I do believe the concentration matters so it may be worth your while to a