instant keto so that your body can continually UM manage it whereas with the Targo it's not a sugar it's a starch there is no sugar it's an enormous molecule because of that and there's a whole lot of science we could get into in all likelihood it does not pull any fluid into the gut if you have too much and I have athletes who can consume a hundred grams an hour a hundred fifty grams an hour which means iron men competition or you know any of the ultra distance athletes can can fully fuel and we never need to to refuel a hundred percent of our energy we're eating we do have some stores but the more you can push carb in in an athletic event that takes that's over a long period of time the more fuel got four your sprint to the finish that's the key that's what we're all aiming for and so if you can both have no sense of fullness no sugar spike no crash no sense of stomach discomfort from the beginning to the end and then very rapidly