Max Fit Keto At the end of the 1st stage, the diet, in general, follows the principles of healthy eating. No major product group is possible and you can enjoy any amount of low glycolic fruits, vegetables, and other sources of carbohydrates. Disadvantages of the South Beach Diet Severe dietary restrictions during the first phase can lead to a feeling of weakness; you will experience a deficiency of certain trace elements and fiber. Therefore, at first you may experience bad breath, dry mouth, fatigue, dizziness, insomnia, nausea and constipation. Conclusion on the South Beach Diet The first two week stage is the most difficult. Also of concern are promises of significant weight loss up to 6 kg during the first 2 weeks. Do not hope that with this you will lose only fat. Some of the weight lost will come from water and carbohydrate stores. Although the other will be made up when you continue to eat more. At the end of the 1st stage, the diet follows the principles of healthy nutrition and is able to provide you with the necessary nutrients. Diet "Wait Watches" The “Wyeth Watches” diet is based on a system for assessing the value of foods and beverages, which are assigned a certain number of points depending on the content of BJU and fiber in them. In fact, it is a diet with calorie intake control, where you can eat foods for a certain number of points every day. The amount of fruits and vegetables you can eat is unlimited. In addition, you get an individual training plan. The support system provides motivation that encourages long term change. The plan is designed to help you lose up to 1 kg per week. Benefits of the diet "Wait Watches" There is no ban on any products, so you can eat and drink anything you want, if you do not go beyond what is permitted. Some people think that sticking to a specific number of points is easier than counting calories, so this is a less restrictive diet than many others. In addition, you are provided with a reserve of points that can be reserved for any special occasion, for example, to meet with a dinner in a restaurant, to receive a small amount of liquor or sweets.