scene and everybody was hype about it and all of them won all of them from the shark tank basically when I jump on it well when you check it is a fake shit you understand it's 100% fake it never was on the shark tank and it is a fake shit they push on the masses and watch this guy right yeah that you see on screen you gonna sell you the same shit watch this way you're nothing but a fake shit they make in China to PI's in the masses I'm telling me gonna save them watch this I just want to do this v velofel ideo for guys looking for male enhancement oh they can not make you last longer and also get you bigger make a bigger what dumb fuck in their right mind think about that type of shit you when I get bigger and laugh longer so you draw for a pill Wow something before well parts me using it I wasn't able to last very long to be wrong I had some problems you know stuff like that yes tell the masses is some problem that you born with from day one you're born with that handicap right nothing happen to you when you're born something happened when you was younger hmm let's go back to you using it so it's something that attacked you while you was going in life all of a sudden it pop up and then you can get hard no more so you'll need this pill a lot of them had attached to with people before they needed of course that's what they do for a while first me using it I wasn't able to last very long a bit wrong I had some problems you know getting up and stuff like that I was doing research and I found this product and it does work this is