Breasts- Following a great weight loss, breast size and shape often change significantly in both men and women. Everyone worries about sagging breasts as we age but few know that massive weight options and also remind you to be realistic with or breast augmentation may be satisfactory. The problems in men are similar however treatment is slightly different. Men tend to have larger breasts when over-weight. Depending on a man's age, degree of weight loss, and a few other factors he may result in large breasts, large and/or sagging breasts, or satisfactory breasts following weight loss. Large and/or sagging breasts in men is called gynecomastia. Here liposuction alone may be satisfactory, however this is not typical. Most men with both sagging and large breasts go through a two-staged procedure. The first stage is liposuction and is performed to remove excess fat and some glandular tissue. Over th Matlinglass e next few months, the breast skin will retract slightly. Three to six months later, the patient will return to evaluate the situation and determine if the outcome is satisfactory. Delaying the second stage allows for significant skin retraction and if a skin tightening procedure is desired it is likely to require smaller incisions.