Meticore you want to lose 30 pounds in 12 weeks for a wedding that's really really difficult and unhealthy to do and we don't recommend that anyone does that so dr blackburn and all the studies have shown that your weight is set by about age 18 you know somewhere around 16 17 for females and about 18 or 19 for men but so right around when you become an adult your your weight is set most people gain about one pound per year from ages 20 to 50. the body works really and that's considered normal the body works really really hard to protect itself from quick short-term weight gain and weight loss the body has all these protective mechanisms to prevent you from gaining weight quickly and losing weight quickly and this is one of the reasons why it's so hard to lose weight men's have a slightly higher metabolic rate than women so it's a little bit easier for them to lose weight most people when they lose weight lose weight from the top down you lose it kind of like in your face shoulders chest and then eventually