High Blood Pressure Hates Chocolate!

Blood pressure has a lot to do with lifestyle as when we are Protocole Contre Hypertension La Revue younger we need no encouragement to run around and play but as we age we tend to get busier and spend more time at a computer eating perhaps the same amount of food but as we are inactive this will be stored as fat and we gain weight and this increases the pressure on how hard our hearts need to pump and this combined with more stress and busier lives this is what increases effects blood pressure.

Simple steps that will change your lifestyle: Cut back coffee, fatty foods, cut your portions down (if you need to lose weight) and increase fruit and vegetable increase. If you are not sure what to eat and not to eat discuss this further with your Dr. or use the food pyramid for a general idea what to eat and what to not to. But cutting back on the fatty foods will definitely help to lower your weight.

Stress less by walking 30 minutes a day, go walking with either a family member early in the am, or during your lunchtime. You need to push yourself away from the computer clear your head and walk. Take your iPod with you to listen to soothing music. Consider getting a pet, studies have revealed that people that pat their pets daily this can actually de-stress them. If you take medications talk with your doctor to make sure they aren't affecting your blood pressure. Certain medications can raise your blood pressure. Antidepressants, cold medicines, oral contraceptives, steroids, even nasal decongestants might be affecting your blood pressure without your knowledge.
