French art students made to look black in photo


Staff member
Who needs diversity when you could just shop it?

And it was a hack photo editing job. I’m surprised they didn’t try to add more Latinos by cutting and pasting Danny Trejo’s face on some of the kids.

You don't know much about France, do you?

For being an art school you'd think they'd be better with picture editing software...

Did you READ the article? The school stated that a PR firm doctored the image without the school’s consent or input (artistic or otherwise).

Diversty y'all. It's awesome, even if it's fake.

Also they changed two males standing side by side in the original to looking like they are potentially partners, cupping each other’s faces in the doctored version? And facial expressions dramatically changed ... how is this not a violation of their rights? Just wrong on many levels.

"sacre bleu! We don't have any people of color!" "Just make some of the tanner ones darker, no one will notice". lol.

And they say "blackwashing" doesn't exist.

Lol why do they need blacks in the pic? reminds me editing my red eye in photos but if you don’t get it in the right spot, you can accidentally inserted a black spot in place of your eyes.

That is so cool they view the dark skin in this context as positive how is that bad ? But yes it' s very funny. They should had taken my photo if they wanted dark beauty.

Because there was no black in the group??

Humanity keeps on disappointing me day after day.

They should make all the students green. That way the question of race wouldn't arise.

The Wanted To Make Them Look Like The Team That Won Them The World Cup.

French art students made to look black in photo.JPG

After this, I have to argue that my pictures should make to look very black because I am black.

France has long had a racism problem. This is just the latest.

the media is actually obsessed with race. not everything is racism. there are better things you should be covering.

It doesn't even look like the same starting image, the faces aren't even the same, poses are different. So someone went in and digitally added, kissing men, altered the facial expressions and poses of most students, inserted stock images of non-white people and somehow modified the clothing of some kids.

Whoever photo shopped this needs some youtube tutorials and a smack to the back of the head.