Donald Trump announces a temporary end to the longest government shutdown in US history


Staff member
But continues to defend his proposed border wall.

"I'm very pleased to have reached a deal with myself to end a situation I created. You may now applaud me.".

Actually the Nancy nut got the situation where it is.

Paul Merricks no you couldn't say that. Not if you actually followed what happened.

Philip McMullin I love how much in denial Trump supporters are. Their cult leader is the one responsible for the shutdown, yet, they'll find someone else to blame. "It was the Democrats' fault! It was Pelosi's fault!". You guys are absolutely laughable. Democrats have been trying to end the shutdown but your "president" and all of his cult followers are against that because they want taxpayers to fund their ridiculous wall to keep all of the brown people from the South from coming in. Grow up and take some responsibility.

George Cursc no she didn't. The Republicans have had control for 2 years. Educate yourself.

Paul Merricks is a troll, fake account!

I am even surprised Trump reopened the government. Usually when his businesses shutdown, he never reopens them.


It wasn't which side could be the most stubborn and hold out the longest. The Democrats desecrated the sanctity of Serving the People First. President Trump is the Hero by taking into account the harm that was being done on good American people. It was not winning the race but instead it was stopping and aiding the people that mattered. And the Wall was a plan to also protect the people of USA. The Democrats have only proved that they are a people full of hate and blame. In all probability Pelosi and Schumer take their orders from some Communist power outside America. They only proved that they would sacrifice American people to prove they have hardened their hearts to anything good. God Bless President Trump the True Hero of the Shutdown. ADD Trump Shutdown Victory to His Miracle of the 70 Years when he blessed Jerusalem with an Embassy and in Defiance of the UN 128. He really is proving himself to be Gods Man on Earth.

He got his wall. Her name is Pelosi.

Folded like a garden chair

Donald Trump announces a temporary end to the longest government shutdown in US history.jpg

Convenient - just in time to deflect from the story of his buddy being arrested.

Arm wrestled with a 78 year old woman named Nancy and lost. It just keeps getting better and better.

Perfect Diversion to Stone arrest!
I dont know Roger Stone very well
Only for 4 decades!!

Thank me thank me!!!!! I have a great brain the very best , the greatest. I wanted to go on a a cruise I didn't know that that the ocean was water , huge bigley water. I was so amazed. I was tremendously amazed. I was told I'm a stable genius. Now all I need is a big cup of covfefe and 6 hamberders.... later I think I'll have a koch.

What’s his powerful alternative? Declaring an emergency that wasn’t there for 2 years of the republican congress? One he knows is unconstitutional and should be overturned in the courts? What a doof.

the US has it's wall! It's called "Nancy Pelosi"! And they saved $5.7Bn .

Trump —- you have not reached a deal you decided to accept what was offered weeks ago !!!

"Pat me on the back and tell me how great I am for fixing a problem, that wasn't a problem, until I made it a problem." Lock Him Up!

He made word salad to try and distract from the fact he lost bigly.

"I am very proud to have made a deal with myself".

A speech packed with exaggerations and blatant lies!!!!!

What a tool.

I'm so glad to have the shutdown temporarily halted. But there is no way we should give him a single penny for his border wall.

that's stepping up to be the better person. He cares more for the employees then they do. But stay strong on the wall. Cross a wall in another country and see what happens. They have to apply like the rest of us. We are immigrants here. For this country.

Ever heard of drones, boats and tunnels..

Mr. President! check your facts before show up at podium : Israel has a total of 662 mi of land borders and the West Bank Barrier ( aka Wall) is just 440 mi upon completion. not “thousands of miles”.

The Airport closures finished him off.

Why didn't you take care of it when the Republicans controlled the house? Why?

“Reached a deal”... meaning.. our air traffic controllers have had enough. And thank God they did before travelers died.

How can anyone take this guy seriously? This video is a riot.. "99.9 percent effective" what are you selling Lysol?

He just got well and truly trounced by a woman, oh the irony.

Poor baby! He lost, and must be hiding under his bed sucking his thumb. Crying his eyes out because Nancy outsmarted him.

India just launched it's lightest satellite (1.4kg) while Donny is still playing with legos to build his wall.

Yes . Just diverting attention from the real news . Rodger Stone !!!

He got outplayed by Nancy. So much for being a master of the deal.

I think I'm finally getting used to the way he speaks...

...and nope. No, I'm not.

Do we believe him? Rudy: “The truth isn’t the truth.” Miserable, crooked man.

Lost that one Trump - first of many I predict.