Maddy Arnstein Maddy Arnstein has lived with T1D for over StrictionD Review 50 yonks. She became complex with JDRF when she dictate the dramaturgic contest technologies resembling the insulin pump could have on her life. Maddy was quickly drawn to advocacy—initially to help secure protracted resumption of funding for the Special Diabetes Program (SDP). But once she originate second-hand a unbroken glucose oversee, she devoted herself to fighting for Medicare insurance.
In 2017, Maddy took part in JDRF Government Day, junction with her members of Congress. She immolate a only perspective, as she’s accomplished first-agent how far scrutiny has arrive over the for ever. “Because I’m very behavior-orientate, I can’t permit orderly session around and discussing something with no results,” Maddy proof. “Through JDRF I can verily help make things promote for the next generation.”
Dan Hamilton When Dan Hamilton was diagnosed with T1D in 1972, the leech told him he wouldn’t reside elapsed 50. Fast forward 45 years, and Dan is firm and healthy at 59. He credits his hardiness to the advancements in treatment and care over the years. He has been an rathe adopter of every technology that has fall along, and exercises methodically as part of a healthy lifestyle. Dan has found he has had to be a strong advocate for himself with healthcare providers. He had made firm to employment with clinics and professionals that particularize in T1D and keep up with the latest technology and entertainment options. He enjoys mentoring others with T1D and assistance them exhibit a also to staying muscular and minimizing complications.
In 2017, Maddy took part in JDRF Government Day, junction with her members of Congress. She immolate a only perspective, as she’s accomplished first-agent how far scrutiny has arrive over the for ever. “Because I’m very behavior-orientate, I can’t permit orderly session around and discussing something with no results,” Maddy proof. “Through JDRF I can verily help make things promote for the next generation.”
Dan Hamilton When Dan Hamilton was diagnosed with T1D in 1972, the leech told him he wouldn’t reside elapsed 50. Fast forward 45 years, and Dan is firm and healthy at 59. He credits his hardiness to the advancements in treatment and care over the years. He has been an rathe adopter of every technology that has fall along, and exercises methodically as part of a healthy lifestyle. Dan has found he has had to be a strong advocate for himself with healthcare providers. He had made firm to employment with clinics and professionals that particularize in T1D and keep up with the latest technology and entertainment options. He enjoys mentoring others with T1D and assistance them exhibit a also to staying muscular and minimizing complications.