Cannabis 'more harmful than alcohol' for teen brains


Staff member
Patiently waiting for some pothead to tell us why a 4 year study that included 3,800 people done by the University of Montreal is false. Also keep in mind that this is talking about the effects of cannabis on a developing brain.

Patiently waiting on any "pothead" that has ever suggested legalizing cannabis for 13 year olds (which is the age of those in the study). Ok, so drinking alcohol at 13 is marginally better than smoking cannabis? I would've thought both would have ill effects. Shocking!

I call BS, but yet it’s ok to put children’s developing brains on amphetamines for ADHD, but that’s ok! Government approved.

Marijuana was also easier to get as a minor because it’s illegal and dealers don’t ask for an ID. All those illicit funds also feed into broader trafficking of coke, heroine, etc. Better to just legalize it and properly tax and regulate it.

There's many a Dr, Lawyer, Judge, teacher, etc etc etc that smoked as a teen and low and behold there they are preforming surgery, deciding cases, teaching others. All without a problem, not to mention many that still partake in their down time.

Why do they need good brains if they wont be able to breathe th air? Why do they need strong brains if they can get raped and not heard? Why do they need strong brains if were just gonna send them off to another proxy war? Lay off the anti-weed propaganda.

Tell that to my brother who has never been to college, smoked everyday ( 16 yrs old and on ward ) and makes over a quarter mill...his poor brain though.

Here’s my very unscientific observations from having lived a lot of years. I have 3 friends from the 60’s that I keep in touch with who never stopped smoking. Their basic intellect doesn’t appear to be different from their younger years but what all three have in common is a dullness, maybe you would call it lethargy—they don’t get excited about life-ever- and they don’t have any ambition for anything. Not just professional ambition, they don’t have any goals in life, even small ones. It’s possible that it’s their personalities but it seems odd they are all three like this. I would listen to science in this one.

The one fact they did fail to mention one is addictive the other is not. It appears to me this was not a lab study but taking surveys of the adolescents. This would not be a solid test result.

I don't believe that. Alcohol is poison to the body and brain. Pot not so much! People use it to help with side effects of chemotherapy. Give an appetite. Help with pain.

Wonder how they managed to keep 3800 alcoholic, drug addicted teens coming back every year, sit down to talk about their addiction and take a cognitive test.
Most of us don't even go get our general routine check with our doctors.

Is anyone really surprised? I am all for legalization, but let's not act as though there are no implications for chronic (pun intended) and early use of marijuana. They are both drugs, and they should only be used by responsible people that understand any possible benefits and all of the side-effects. THC makes people incredibly forgetful, and it doesn't take much.

Parents have 10 kazillion times more influence on adolescent brain and behavior than marijuana ever will.

Trying to bring it down yet again... why don't studies look at how alcohol affects them instead? because the aim of this post is to scare people and ensure cannabis remains illegal for EVERYONE.

I don't think any drug is good for a developing brain, it's ironic that teenagers dabble and experiment with drugs and alter their reality chemically, when they still maybe have not gained a full true understanding of reality and the miracle of life.

So teens that smoke cannabis will have LOWER IQs. "Cause problems with 'cognitive ability'. In easy words, makes you less intelligent.

Majority of the time though someone high on dope isnt likely to start a fight, compared to someone who is intoxicated by alcohol.

Awesome, and we all agree there should be an age limit to purchase marijuana just like alcohol. So... How is this relevant?

Cannabis 'more harmful than alcohol' for teen brains.JPG

I know many highly intelligent people who heavily smoked cannabis since they were teens, and they have done very well in life. For example wasnt former president Obama called Chim due to his heavy pot smoking as a teen. He grew up to be a amazing, thoughtful, articulate leader. Trump did not smoke pot as a teen and he is a bloody idiot. Idiots are born not made.

I am so tied of brainless Twits trying to justify using cannabis. If you used it with no supposed ill effects good for you. BUT wind the clock forward when you might be lucky enough to have children .... would you really want your teenager to take the risk that they developed psychosis. For God’s sake grow and nurture your children. Don’t try to promote something that can devastate a child’s potential and destroy their life. I have seen the incredibly destructive effect of weed and I will never accept that it is harmless!!!!!

Yeah! Teens should totally get routinely blackout drunk instead; that way they may grow up to be Supreme Court Justices, one day.