After Toronto rampage, does Canada have a gun problem?


Staff member
No. Our neighbours to the south have a gun problem and their guns get smuggled into Canada thanks to our huge undefended border.

A rise in gun violence has led some to argue it's time for a crackdown.

We here in the
🇺🇸 like blaming our problems on our southern neighbors too. It's nice to have a scapegoat isn't it?

Are you willing to have your taxes shoot up to expand the CBSA like 1000 fold in order to properly patrol our border?


Then from which part of the government's budget should this 1000% expansion come from?

It is a balancing act, at the end of the day, and you get what you're willing to pay for -- which is not to say the CBSA don't do a fine job, but it would be absurd to expect them to actively monitor and patrol every square inch of the border at all times.

I think that one thing that would help is to make smuggling guns into Canada a far more serious crime -- increase the risk for folks who are smuggling. Presumably, for the increased risk, they won't necessarily stop, but they'd definitely want an increase in payment -- enough to make the one trying to buy the guns hesitant.

Maybe give the cops expanded powers to search vehicles with American plates or instruct CBSA to increase random spot checks at legitimate border crossings.

After Toronto rampage, does Canada have a gun problem.JPG But no, defending our border in the capacity of every square inch is monitored at all times is just not feasible.

I mean, the yanks can't even do that to Mexico and their border patrol budget far dwarfs our own, and the border is smaller.

It’s a people problem. We don’t ban vehicles if a drunk kills someone. We don’t ban knives if someone is stabbed. We don’t ban bats if used as a weapon. Stop trying to blame the object when it is an issue with the person. How about putting the responsibility on the sick and guilty individual. It’s called personal responsibility y’all.

Vehicles -- They are designed to drive people from location to location
Knives -- Designed to cut and prepare food
Bats -- Used in sports and games

Guns -- Can be used for hunting, and sport.. although their main purpose is to cause harm, whether that be shooting a deer, or a clay pigeon... or a person.
Their design and function is to fire something and cause damage to the target.

Look how strict gun laws work well in Norway, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Italy, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Japan etc.

Terrible comparisons by original poster.

That is exactly why hand grenades, flame trowers and surface to air missiles should be privately owned.

So I guess you have the government drive and cut your food for you as well. And if someone kills they are banned as well to prison. A person will kill using any means possible if they are sick and demented. But of course let’s give the demented more rights by taking them from the innocent. That will fix it.

Yes agree to hunt and for protection. I’d rather them dead than me or family. That is why I own a fire arm. I’d rather have more good people with guns than the other way.

What’s been most commonly proposed is longer wait times and more extensive background checks, though I do believe more needs to be done than that (I don’t know exactly what off the top of my head). Do you think these alterations to current regulations would necessarily be bad?

It's sad to see people from a country with such an ingrained fear of everything that they feel they need a gun to protect themselves. I don't think they really understand how warped this frame of mind seem to people in other countries. There is just not that fear that someone will come to their house to kill you. There might come people to rob you, but because of the gun restrictions they will not carry a gun. This is because guns used in illegal activities are largely stolen guns from gun owners, less gun owners mean less guns in circulation among criminals. Does that concept make sense for people?
It wasn't long ago since some kids were planning a school massacre here, they didn't go through with it because... they couldn't get a hold of guns. If that was in the US we would have another 10+ kids dead. But somehow Americans seem to think it's worth it, so they can feel "safe" in a country drowning in fear because of the thing they think makes them safer...

It never was a gun problem anywhere in the world. It's a person problem. the person who has the firearm is the problem not the gun itself. You don't blame the alcohol or the cars for DUI wrecks that kill people.

It's a gun problem, not a people problem. The whole civilized world can see that. Why can't you Americans?

No, it has an non-integration of culture problem; some things are just like water and oil, they don´t mix. But surely i´m a racist and an islamphobe for pointing it out. Good day...

People kill people, take away all of the tools. People pollute, take away all of the items they pollute with. People are emotionally weak, take away everything that upsets them. What a sad society we have. Canada already has decent gun laws. What has changed is people. We need to better at addressing depression, drug abuse, anxiety, apathy, & violence in our society.

Ah, yes- the nuanced conversations out of the comments sections on social media. The beating heart of enlightened conversation and calm discussion.

If someone who shouldn't have a gun, gets a gun and harms or even kills someone, and no one knows how to stop this from happening again, then we have a gun problem.

We absolutely do have a gun problem here in Canada. We need to expand and improve our laws to try to deal with this issue.

Anywhere where civilians use guns for crime there's a gun problem.

What Canada needs is more good guys with guns...oh no, hang on that's been tried south of the border & didn't quite pan out....