11 Ways on How to Prevent Diabetes - Pre-Diabetes Things to Do

In this disease the individual's auto immune system attacks Glucocell Review and reduces the pancreatic beta cells from producing the necessary insulin for the body to function properly. When the pancrius is not functioning as it should the production of natural insulin is reduced below optimum levels or is in fact stopped altogether which has dangerous implications for other functions of the body.Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. It actually accounts for more than 90% of all cases of diabetes. With this disease the body does not make or properly use insulin, a hormone that helps convert sugar, starches and other foods into energy. Eventually a person's body will stop producing insulin if they have this disease. Unfortunately, it is not yet known why this happens. However, genetics and environmental factors do play a role. .

Gestational diabetes occurs only with women and only during pregnancy. Unlike Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes has no recognizable symptoms. The only way to know if you have it is through regular blood screenings throughout your term. These screenings are blood tests where you have to fast overnight, then are given a sugary drink to see how your body reacts. You need two positive readings before you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes.For Gestational diabetes the cure is actually very simple. Since some hormones produced in a pregnant woman's body promotes some tissues to resist insulin, the cure for diabetes in pregnant women is to give birth. Your doctor will suggest a diet that will assist in keeping your blood sugars in check during your pregnancy.

However, doctors have no actual "cure" for diabetes types 1 & 2at the moments. What they do now to "cure" diabetes is to present alternatives to patients who suffer from this disease. As an actual cure for diabetes is not available there are however cures for the symptoms which are readily available.For Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes, most doctors either recommend changing the patient's diet and keeping a close watch or in more severe cases, injecting insulin into the body during times when it becomes too low.